Клуб любителей флейма
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 20:51
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 20:55
шят зи фак ап!
Nathalie (08:48 PM) :
Фак зи шадовгёрл!
Ну ладно, я уже =) Жду =)
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 20:56
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:01
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:05
Nathalie (08:47 PM) :
шят зи фак ап!
Nathalie (08:48 PM) :
Фак зи шадовгёрл!
Mike Rosoft (08:48 PM) :
так и запишем
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:08
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:12
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:15
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 22:52

Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:51
Натали, прочитала?
Как сочинения?
Сообщение изменено: ACE (13 January 2006 - 21:51)
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 22:35
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 20:55

Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 20:56

и еще капельки от склерозика?
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:03
Ах да?
а вот щаз я тебя за язык потяну,милый%)
Botgirl (03:47 PM) :
шят зи фак ап!
Mike Rosoft (03:48 PM) :
Фак зи шадовгёрл?
Mike Rosoft (03:48 PM) :
так и запишем
*выписывает лекарство для ослабления старческого маразма*
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:07
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:13
Отправлено 13 January 2006 - 21:31
Ну,кому еще сковородой по заднице врезать?=)
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