Клуб любителей флейма
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:05
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:09
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:12
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:16
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:20
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 20:00
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 20:19
Сама не ведаешь, что творишь. Ибо настанет день, когда я вложу в руку Верховного Короля ключ от двери Нарнии и твоя глупость обернётся против тебя
Сообщение изменено: Эслан (21 October 2005 - 20:20)
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 22 October 2005 - 12:16
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 22 October 2005 - 12:34
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 22 October 2005 - 12:46
I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls
You've bought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it... I thank you all
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:03

Сообщение изменено: Nataly (21 October 2005 - 19:05)
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:08

Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 19:13

Сообщение изменено: Nataly (21 October 2005 - 19:16)
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 20:12
Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 20:55

Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 22:13

Отправлено 21 October 2005 - 22:43
Отправлено 22 October 2005 - 12:32
Тэшка-то тут причём?!Идите, поклоняйтесь своей Таш. Ибо служение ей отвратительно по сути своей!
Отправлено 22 October 2005 - 12:44

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