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#126 Angel-S



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 18:18

Сканы из журнала PlayStation2 Le Magazine Officiel:

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Нет ничего лучше, чем слушать молчание дураков. (Сократ)

#127 ACE



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 00:15

еще сканы из OPS2M франсе
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[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#128 ACE



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 22:55

Новые сканы (PC JEUX - французский аналог PC Gamer'a) и инфа - все спрето нагло с хроник B)
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Page 1 (by Mulder The Fox) :
Some experiments are self-explanatory: you need someone from your close circle, just anyone, but in any case not someone who might be an hardcore gamer. Show him a picture of Lara Croft, the main character from the Tomb Raider series, and for example the picture on the cover of this magazine. There's a strong possibility that he will know what this is about, without having played the game ever.

This character created in 1996 is indeed one the only video games celebrities, one of the only numeric creation that has surpassed its pixel condition to become an important element of popular culture. For 10 years, Lara Croft has been used at every opportunity. From comic books to advertisment, including of course movies, she was everywhere, even succeeding in making people forget the downward trend in quality the games of the series have been on.

But last year, the series has ben propelled forward again with the revival episode, the excellent "Legend". With a new development team, a new look and a new gameplay, Tomb Raider was back on track.

And yet the next episode in the series won't be completely new, anyway not really original.
Indeed, for the 10th birthday of the most popular treasure hunter, Crystal Dynamics is openly celebrating their heroine. The result is Tomb Raider Anniversary.

Hopefully, this new version won't be a carbon-copy. To copy the very same game , even with a 2006 technology, would not have been of any use. This remake will indeed be a new game with enough changes and surprises not to frustate those who played the original game. Now the aim is really nostalgic, to pay an hommage to the myth instead of producing a dull carbon-copy.

Page 2 (by me) :

This return to the roots brings back the structure and the levels of the original game, adapting them with a modern gameplay and the Tomb Raider Legend engine. You'll find back the first mythic adventures of the heroine in peru, Greece, Egypt, and finally in the lost City of Atlantis. For now, neither Eidos nor Crystal Dynamics have said if the game will include the additional levels. Nevertheless, there will plenty of things to do, the entire game being redesigned. First, the levels are larger and more complex than in the original.

This can be evident, but the graphics evolution is the most obvious. Within these ten years, there has been so much progress in this field. The levels are highly detailed, with very refine and realistic textures. There are many lights effetcs which give a very particular atmosphere, almost oppressing, in those sanctuaries reached by Lara for the first time in centuries. Crystal Dynamics has done everything to give the impression that Lara is all alone in those lost places and that she can't count on anything but herself. A pool or a corridor which were rectangular in the 90's can now have a more sophisticated shape : the corridor won't be straight, the pool will have more angles and won't be similar to an olympic pool anymore.

Modern machines memory is highly superior than those from the 90's, so now the gigantism is real. Everyhting is bigger, higher and rougher.

While increasing the number of polygons, the developpers also made the design evolve : walls aren't straight anymore, and you can see useful cracks for Lara to grip. Stages are higher, so climbing and jumping is quite spectacular.

Перевел интересные моменты

- Эйдос не говорит будут ли в игре уровни из аддона к 1 части(Tomb Raider Unfinished Business)
- Когда игрок идет по неустойчивым поверхностях нужно поддержать равновесие как и в Tomb Raider 5. Такую фишку сперли Убисофт для новой трилогии принца Персии, кто не в курсе.
- "Кошка" в игре не мангинтая, а настоящая - крюковая.
- Транспортных средств не будет :(
- Окружение намного интерактивнее чем раньше, например, можно собрать много досок и сделать из этого лестницу
- В игре будут как всегда пистолеты с неограниченными патронами, а так же дробовик и узи и тд...
- Загадки полность переработанны и усложнены, так же не будут "сверкающщих" подсказок как в "Легенде".
- Уровни нелинейные, прощай коридорность
- Борьба за выживание в условиях дикой окружающей среды снова на первом месте, животные будут атаковать стаей, например рапторы любят окружать Лару и атаковать сзади.
- Крофт Мэнор скорее всего будет.

+ скан из польского Click!:



Page 3 :

Moreover, the Lara from today has not much in common with her model from 1996 anymore. The shorts and the 2 guns are still there, but for the rest the polygons have been multiplied. More mature than in "Legend", our adventurer is sexier than ever, without resorting to the mammal exagerations from her past adventures.
Above all, she moves really easily and with an almost feline grace. Jumps calculated to the milimetre and head-bangings in the walls won't be part of this hommage. Her set of movements is really huge and has real gameplay applications. For example, she can catch hold of something to save herself after a fall, which allows her to perform more acrobatics without having to start from the beginning if she falls. New moves that weren't even in Legend have appeared : Lara can now balance on tiptoe on very narrow surfaces, and this was immediatly tested in a funambulist sequence on top of posts that were several meters high.
In order to remain faithfull to the original game, Lara has lost some of her "Legend" moves. Thus, no more driving or magnetic grapple. The nostagic version of Miss Croft is now on foot, uses a basic grapple, and has nothing but her basic weapons: the 2 guns, the shotgun, and the double-uzis.

One of the big differences with the original game is also linked with the introduction of a physic engine. Lara can now activate various mecanisms with her own weight or by putting certain objects on them. For example, a wooden bridge that collapse after she walks on it can later be used as a ladder to climb on top of the opposite side. Also, while hanging with her grapple, she can put pressure on a stone that will open a secret passage.

Page 4 :

As a whole, Anniversary wants to be more dificult than Lara's recent adventures. The first Tomb Raider was quite a ride, and so will be Anniversary. As the heroine is more easier to control than in the original, the complexity comes more from the reflexion. You now have to really look around, to find the right way. On the screen, no clue or sparkling thing to show the way, you have to think. Reflexes are almost less important than mind, which is the philosophy that the developpers want to give to Lara. Levels are sometimes less linear, and give several ways to progress. If you feel you have the ability and the talent of an acrobat, you will always be able to go through, but it won't be as easy as the "way of the mind".

Nevertheless, Anniversary isn't all about reflexion. Fighting has still an important place. Tomb Raider 1 gave place to some unpleasant meetings between Lara and dangerous beasts. As Crystal Dynamics improved the AI of the human ennemies in Legend, the studio created very realistic animals. In Anniversary, Lara mostly fights hostile beasts. Wolves, bats, bears, raptors, and the mythical T-Rex, no one is missing. They are more dangerous than in our memories, having real strategy and using their skills the best they can. For example, bats are nimbler, and raptors run around Lara before jumping at her to eat her. To find her way out, she has no choice but to use the environment and her athletic skills.
[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#129 ACE



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Отправлено 10 December 2006 - 16:42

OP2M France играли в демку для PS2. Это демка специально для игрожуров, когла выйдет демка для пипла не знаю, скорее всего за месяц до релиза :)
[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#130 ACE



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Отправлено 15 December 2006 - 22:28

Сканы из датского пс2 журнала

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[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#131 ACE



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Отправлено 16 December 2006 - 05:58

сканы из EGM,
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[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#132 ACE



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Отправлено 16 December 2006 - 15:45

Еще сканы. Видно лицо Лары
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[Veresk and Rhyn Fun-club team]

#133 Uvnik



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Отправлено 10 December 2006 - 13:05

Или за неделю :D
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#134 AnitaBlake



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 10:31

Да, картинки завораживают. Слюнки тякут, прямо... :lol: Тока там на одной фотке к Ларкиным достоинствам добавилось и явное косоглазие :wacko:

#135 Till



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Отправлено 05 December 2006 - 19:01

ых...а для меня ведь это будет в первый раз.я то ведь так и не доиграла первую до конца...

#136 veresk



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 00:17

Арт из серии сканов французского Playstation2 Le Magazine Officiel

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#137 Untouchable



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 01:49

Veresk, ааа! Супер! На этой картинке Лара то что надо! Лицо прям ммма :) Легенда не сравнится

#138 Till



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 18:00

ну вот.эта ларка мне определенно НРАВИТЬСЯ.она как раз такая как в старых частях.и еще текстура на одежде-я просто в нетерпении.
й.а ва м не кажется что эта картинка похожа на рисунок с динозавром?

Сообщение изменено: Till (08 December 2006 - 18:11)

#139 veresk



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 18:30

GameInformer тоже напечатал превью :D

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(сканами разжился резидент TRC WhosaidAODwasbad)

#140 Untouchable



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Отправлено 08 December 2006 - 18:42

Angel-S, veresk, спасибо! Порадовали! Скрины супер

#141 Till



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 09:17

народ с каждым днем все больше и больше радости...надеюсь скоро и видео появиться.а пока буду с лупой разглядывать сканы.

#142 Nataly



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 18:13

Лицо просто ужасно! Просто ужасно ужасно. :wacko:

#143 Till



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Отправлено 09 December 2006 - 21:39

да ладно.на одном скрине и вправду не очень но на остальных по-моему гораздо лучше чем первые скрины с легендовской ларой.но это МОЕ мнение.

#144 T-Dream



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Отправлено 10 December 2006 - 08:35

Супер! Они ее не изменили-таки... все-таки ограничились омоложением Легендовской.. КЛАСС!!

Хм.. раз уже журналюги в демку играли.. то когда мы можем ждать такого же подарка интересно? Мне бы на Новый Год оч хотелось бы :) :) :)

Сообщение изменено: T-Dream (10 December 2006 - 08:50)

#145 Till



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Отправлено 10 December 2006 - 12:07

да уж..япод впечатлением.особливо порадовало то что "будут нелинейные коридоры" и животные стали умнее.эх.красотища...а демку мы скорее всего увидим только за месяц до выхода игры

#146 Till



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Отправлено 10 December 2006 - 22:39

да что там демка...лучше бы уже видео хоть 20-тисекундное выложили...

#147 Taty


    и профи не назовешь, а дилетантом уже быть стыдно...

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Отправлено 11 December 2006 - 12:28

Думаю игра будет что надо... :D
насчет нападения рапторов со спины, прям как Resident Evil 4, чувствую будет страшно, вообще это место мне самым страшным в игре показалось...
А лицо у нее классное, лучше чем в Легенде...

#148 Allias


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Отправлено 11 December 2006 - 21:26

ой, ну супер супер и личико действительно симпатичнее :D

#149 Untouchable



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Отправлено 15 December 2006 - 22:39

Интересно. Хоть что-то новое. Особенно с рапторами классный скан. Не понятно по поводу arrowhead - интересно, зачем он ей?

#150 Till



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Отправлено 16 December 2006 - 20:08

"видно" это громко сказано

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