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Публикации пользователя Henk

Найдено 9 записей от Henk (Поиск ограничен от 28 September 23)

#110753 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 12 November 2005 - 10:51 в Редактирование уровней

Hi Everybody,

My name is Henk and I have a website completly devoted to Turbo Pascal's unofficial leveleditor called the DXtre3D. On my site you will find nearly 300 custom build levels. From Tr1, TR2, TR3, TR4 to TR5 levels.
These levels where build with much love for Tomb Raider's girl Lara Croft.

Also you will find on my site a new program called TRPlayCentre. This program which was build by IceBerg gives you the possibility to play all the custom build levels with just one program. A great manual is also available on my site.

I do hope you will have some time to visit my site.

If there are in Russia some (test)levels that aren't on my site yet, please feel free to send the level to me by mail, and I will host it for you so that everybody can play your (test)level.

My website is called LARA'S MANSION

Размещенное изображение

website: Lara's Mansion
email: laras_mansion@planet.nl

#111801 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 18 November 2005 - 17:06 в Редактирование уровней

Henk, welcome :)

I added your links into the signature, but, unfortunately, our rules forbid inserting a picture there.

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Thanks for adding my signature! Again I am sorry about my picture!

#111668 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 17 November 2005 - 21:11 в Редактирование уровней

Hi Veresk,

That would be great!... Then everybody can read what I have said....

May I ask you a question. Is it possible that you or an moderator can add what I have placed under the --------------- into a signature. I know in the english forum you can add a signature, but the russian words I can't read.

Thanks in advance :D :D

Keep On Building
Henk from Lara's Mansion

Размещенное изображение

website: Lara's Mansion
email: laras_mansion@planet.nl

#111721 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 18 November 2005 - 00:45 в Редактирование уровней

Hi Veresk,

Ok, thanks.

O I didn't know about the picture. Sorry for that! :o

Henk from Lara's Mansion

website: Lara's Masnsion
email: laras_mansion@planet.nl

#111607 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 17 November 2005 - 17:46 в Редактирование уровней

Hi Veresk,

Thanks for your translation. :D I am very glad with it because I can't read russian.
And to Intelligence, thanks for your translating from english to russian. :D

I have added this forum on my site, so more people will get to visit to site. I hope that's ok..

I have also added a new Tr3 testlevel from Miro. Tomorrow I will upload a new TR5 testlevel.

PS. I do hope that the Russian builders will contact me and send there testlevels or levels to me, so that I can host it for all of us.

Keep On Building
Henk from Lara's Mansion

Размещенное изображение

website: Lara's Mansion
email: laras_mansion@planet.nl

#111061 All unofficial levels at 1 place

Отправлено по Henk on 14 November 2005 - 20:49 в Редактирование уровней

Hi Pyuaumch,

Do you knwo any Russian levels which were build with the editor from Turbo Pascal? (the unofficial editor?).

I know Boris Samojlenko has build some (there are on my site. His serie is called the "Lara Croft Returns". But for several weeks his website isn't available anymore. (http://www.samoilenko.hut1.ru)

If you know any other Russian levelbuilders, please let me know.

Thanks in advance! :D

Размещенное изображение

website: Lara's Mansion
email: laras_mansion@planet.nl

#120623 New TR3 levels at Lara's Mansion

Отправлено по Henk on 08 January 2006 - 20:48 в Редактирование уровней


I have uploaded a new TR3 level
(The FIRST one from THIS YEAR, yeah)
in David's series "A Travel In Time".
It is called "The Prisons" and it is level number 7.
Thanks David building and sending it. Be sure to check also the TRPlayCentre Overview 1 or Overview 2. When a level needs to have a TombPC.dat file, you can download one from those pages. Be aware that I made those TombPC.dat files specially for the use with the TRPlayCentre. Please read more over the TRPlayCentre also on my site.

#113812 3 new TR3 levels by Boris S.

Отправлено по Henk on 28 November 2005 - 21:53 в Редактирование уровней

Hi everybody,

I am glad to tell that the levelbuilding with Turbo's editor is just going great a this moment.
Therefore I am proud to announce to you that
Boris Samoilenko has released 3 new TR3 levels in his serie called: Lara Croft Returns. The titles are:
- The Twin Temple (level 9)
- Back In China (level 10)
- Research Base (level 11).
Thanks Boris for making these levels.
Your serie becomes quite impressive. Keep up the good work!

#118147 New TR3 levels at Lara's Mansion

Отправлено по Henk on 01 January 2006 - 15:38 в Редактирование уровней


First of all A Happy New Year to everybody!

It has being a while without any updates on this site, but the reason for that was my PC. It had a major HD crash. So I lost every TR4 level I ever downloaded. And because I didn't want to lose the other TR levels on my second HD drive I decided that now it was time to buy another PC.
So now it is back to business! I have uploaded a modified version of Boris Samoilenko's level "The City Quarters 2". As Boris wrote to me: "I want you to reload my 4th level - City Quarters 2- It's somewhat different then my previous version. The walkthrough done by Harry needs also to be changed". Thanks Boris.
And then I uploaded 3 new TR3 levels by David Rukawa.
He expanded his serie called: "A Travel In Time" with the following new levels:
level 4: Slaves' Valley
level 5: Damon's Temple
level 6: Knossos Ruines.
Thanks David for building these levels.