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Сообщение изменено: rhyn (01 April 2007 - 20:13)
Отправлено 01 April 2007 - 19:32
Сообщение изменено: rhyn (01 April 2007 - 20:13)
Не стоит путать грабительские раскопки с археологией.
Я в соц. сетях:
Отправлено 09 April 2007 - 20:22
какая-то дичь: написано, что Уинстон, мажордом Лары, будет помогать ей и давать подсказки в решении загадок
Не стоит путать грабительские раскопки с археологией.
Я в соц. сетях:
Отправлено 27 March 2007 - 21:15
Да ладно, у него одна ладошка давно отвалилась и лежит рядышком с его левой ногой - подайте кто может на рестоврацию памятникаACE Mar 26 2007, 16:39
(Triada @ Mar 26 2007, 8:15)
Мидас, позолоти ручку!?
Сообщение изменено: Triada (27 March 2007 - 21:18)
Отправлено 01 April 2007 - 19:15
Отправлено 09 April 2007 - 19:47
Отправлено 09 April 2007 - 21:21
Отправлено 02 April 2007 - 21:21
Отправлено 05 April 2007 - 20:30
вер, а как перевести "not having the balls to use the manual jumps"?
Сообщение изменено: St.A.* (05 April 2007 - 20:30)
Отправлено 28 March 2007 - 14:21
Starting again now
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Peru, Scion, jumping - we already know that! And it should be like that, because the first Tomb Raider part comes back as a polished new version. And yet there is so many new.
Lara Croft steps through the deep snow of the peruvian mountains, following the guide, who knows the stone gate that leads to the tomb of Qualopec. The gate is locked since centurys. Tomb Raider fans know, what happens now: Lara climbs with the grapple up to the gate and finds a switch in the stone relief, which opens the heavy door wings. This is what the intro video of the first Tomb Raider part from 1996 shows. 2007 again Lara stands before the massive stone gate in Peru. But this time something first happens, when you move the mouse: You're it to play the scene. While jumping and climbing at rock tears you get to learn the basics of the controlls. The remake won't be 1:1, but will be modernized. The key scenes will of course stay: Like in 1996 wolves jumps out of the entrance of the caves and consume the guide; like in 1996 the stone wings will lock Lara in the ancient tomb.
Well known things different
Tomb Raider Anniversary will use the technic and game engine from Tomb Raider Legend as a basis for a modern remake of the first part. Which means: Lara is not that ponderous like in 1996 and you don't have to lead her exaclty to an edge. Instead of this, she catapults herself over abysses and climbs like a squirrel at rock tears and shelfs. The developer Crystal Dynamics took the highlights of the original and filled the levels with new tasks. The key points will be the same, because the gamer of the first part should get along with the environment. Right after the start at the stone gate Lara gets to the hall with two wooden bridges. When you walk over the first one, you will get a surprise: The planks break, the heroine falls into a pit of wolves. "This room has a high recognise value, that's why we wanted to keep it. But in the original there was nothing up there. So we made the bridge fragile", Lara-Creator Toby Gard explains in the audio comments. The audio comments are one of the rewards you can unlock in the game. Gard and his head level designer tell at special points anecdotes about the development of the original and the remake.
Where's the hook?
What will be preserved? The original story about the alien artefact "Scion", the locations (from Peru over Greek to Egypt and Atlantis) and the enemys, like the gunslinger Larson and the greasy french archaeologist Pierre. The meeting with those Anniversary stages with stunning animated sequences with in-game graphics. What's new? Lara has the grapple hook from Legend with her, to swing across depths and pull fragile wand pieces. And she learned how to walk along walls, when she finds a save grip with her cable. In comparison with the original Tomb Raider there will be far less block pushing, when Lara has to push square stone blocks back and forth. Just like then you will only travel by foot, there won't be any vehicles.
Longer this time
Tomb Raider Legend was a colorful, varied, but quite short game. Tomb Raider Anniversary will be different in many aspects: In the tombs and underground environments will be a dark athmosphere, the focus will be more on skillfulness and complex climbing. The binoculars from Legend, which showed usable objects, isn't there anymore so you have to get the solution by yourself. Time-controlled switches and traps demands a lot of timing from you. Because Lara is alone on her way, won't be any radio voices there. The grace of Legend will stay in Anniversary, which gives Lara a richness of movements of jumping and climbing. In Egypt Lara rushes over movable statue platforms pressed by time, in Peru she works on a cog mechanism at a huge waterfall. Especially welcome: The gameplay is supposed to be more than double as long as Legend.
Before a little bit more
Because Anniversary is based on the Legend technology, the graphic isn't changed much. It's a little bit polished up, the Next Gen content will be left out. Just like then Lara has her turquoise top and her brown shorts, the face is a little bit younger. And as a homage to the good old days Lara's chest is, like the press department of Eidos expressed, more "knobbly". For those, who like it a little bit more nasty: Lara get's dirty again.
Сообщение изменено: rhyn (28 March 2007 - 16:23)
Отправлено 28 March 2007 - 16:31
Отправлено 29 March 2007 - 00:51
Отправлено 01 April 2007 - 19:18
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Сообщение изменено: Simona (05 April 2007 - 20:35)
Отправлено 01 April 2007 - 18:25
Отправлено 05 April 2007 - 19:14
Отправлено 05 April 2007 - 22:16
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