Because of the dark night
The staring sky don't make any light
[Because stars - they are long ago died]
you walk alone - away from all
Alone just with yourself
[And nothing can you save]
People are here cold and dark
and everything's here like a tree without a bark
so dry and lifeless
And every's merciless
and you can't find the place for your head in this life
And it remember you a knife
Which more and more cuts your heart
Even you're trying so hard
To adopt in this life full of lie
And it's near to break down and cry [die]
You don't know if are here people like you
Who are trying to get out of this hell
Whose lives are bind with a belt
People like you can't find the place for them here
'Cos there is no sound they want to hear
And you are here strange
And you don't belong
But here comes the sun
And everything's gone
Gone, but not for long
'Cos day here is not for a long
Sun will go down
And after the dusk
Will come the night
And there is no light
New hell bacame
With lies and derides
How long this hell will last - unknown
If it whenever will gone
This routine is killing you from day to day
But you can't do anything anyway
There's one way to get out of this hell
And there is no afraid you ever felt
There is no place where you can heal
You are alone in this world unreal
And before you didn't belong
But after all everything's gone
Сообщение изменено: [MCgirl] (03 August 2005 - 20:06)