He: Hello and welcome to "Gamestar TV".
"Never change a runing system" --> Crystal does it for the second time already with the "Tomb Raider" franchise and that's why we have our Lara expert with us. Hello Petra!
Petra:Not important - Tells a "funny" joke NOT
He agrees and then they finally start talking about the new TRHe:It's already the ninth part of the Tomb Raider franchise, but its name isn't "Tomb Raider IX", why that?
Petra:Well. After the first "reboot" (well it was some kind of reboot, but the main part of the game was still the same) which was TR Legend, the first of their games after they took over the franchise from Core Design, they are now trying to go a brand new direction. Even if we still have "Lara Croft" as our heroine, and if the game is still about jumping and getting rid of enemies, the ninth TR - the NEW TR will be a different in many points of view.
We will get to play with a brand new Lara - Crystal made her younger and one could assume that they are kind of telling the back story of the Lara we all knew, but that's not true. Crstal doesn't want the new Lara to become the Lara we all know, it's basically a brand-new character who
coincidentally is an archeologist with the same family history, who also lives in Croft Manor, who's fathers name is the same and so on. Somehow it IS Lara but then again it isn't Lara...
There are still those distinguishing marks such as the ponytail, the brown hair, the.....boobs, haha, but she's a lot counger, she's 21 in this game, she's completely unexperienced person who just came from university and now wants to prove to the world and to herself that she's not just the daughter of some very well-known aristochratic family but she wants to say:
"I'm can take care of myself, I'm Lara Croft and I'm I'm gonny show you that by going on a boat trip through the japanese sea with some dubious people to search for a special island and make a huge discovery
(of course I did lots of research on that)"
You can see this ship, it's name is "Endurance" and the new Lara on this picture now. It could be that one, not really sure about that [points to ship] but of yourse they never make it to this special Japanese Island-they shipwreck on the coast of a different, unknown island-and from then on the the [she uses a swearword here
] starts.
By saying [she says the swearword again!!!] I don't meant that the game is going to suck-I can't say anything about that yet-but I can say the following.
The new TR is gonna be a Survival-typed game. There will be some horror elements but it's won't be such a typical survival horror like Resident Evil or Silent Hill. It will be an action-adventure-survival game with a well-know heroine who still does her well-known actions (jumping, shooting and so on) but it all happens in a completely different surrounding. There won't be switch-puzzles and such, but it will all come down to Lara searching for stuff on this Open-World-island, that will help Lara surviving.
And of course there's a mystery that has to be solved:
After they shipwreck, Lara wakes up hanging from the ceiling and is surrounded by other humans that were sacrificed and it seems she will be next. With pain and mysery she manages to free herself and finds out that this island seems to be inhabitated by people who didn't have anything better to do and were sacrificing humans to their gods over centuries.
You can see that on this picture that it full of wracks from different centuries, for example you can see another sailing ship here [points to ship], so you can see that his little "game" is running for quite a while now and Lara has two taks now:
Of course she has to survive and fight against these inhabitants but also against fauna and flora, well less against flora and more against fauna and ... it seems that she collects points by doing that, just like in all those RPG's.
So she collects these points and can increase her abilities in one of the camps that were built by other survivers of the Endurance-shipwreck. I can just assume but maybe she can jump farther then, or...whatever...AND she can also create her own weapons in these camps by using stuff she finds there. (f.e. an axe made of a sharp metal pole)
Of course she will also find some more powerful weapons later in the game (bow, pistol...) but she won't have any of these in the beginning.
She will have to "work" for them in this game, that won't be linear, as said, and the highlight of the Reboot won't be just game-mechanics but the way Lara is presented in this game.
Crystal Dynamics are saying: Lara always was a tough person, but it's been a bit too much toughness. She has experienced so much and it didn't change her in any way [she uses "to drip off" here, but I'm not sure if it has the same meaning] she was exploring caves and tombs to collect artifacts and relics and that's it. So with the new Lara they want to change this. She's a woman that came from univerity, never killed anyone (of course ^^) so her "first kill" HAS to be a pretty traumitic experience for this young woman according to Crystal. So Lara will feel completely exhausted and also later on in the game it won't be easy for her to kill humans. Even if it will become a routine somehow for the player it won't be that easy for our heroine. It will become easier of course but it never will be routine for her and she won't be able to "accept" that she has to kill people in order to survive. There will be tears, there will be injuries, Lara will get dirty. We already know that from L,A and underworld but some water was enough to get clean again and this time it's different. Some "signs" of what she experienced will remain, both physically (injuries) but also psychologically.
He: But now to the -maybe- most important question: We have our story [she interrupts him with an apology for talking sooo much] ? la "Lara begins", we have a completely new design, completely new gameplay so now the question: Was is really needed? Did the series need this reboot or will it reduce this series to absurdity? What would you say, what's your opinion on this new direction?
Petra: It's hard to say, TR will get (one of your favourite words) grown up. That's for sure and it will get grown up at two "levels". First in terms of visuals and stroytelling (presentation, illustration) and also in terms of making Lara able to make her way into the Next-Gen-games. Lara stops being the "adventure-plastic-barbie" and turns into a real human, one that feels sympathic to the player; you couldn't really feel it when Lara was falling down hundreds of meters and died with a *crx*-sound in TR2. The player didn't share her pain back then, he just laughed and thought - "alright, let's try again!" And this didn't change in the course of the games, Lara was always somehow...
He: "awkward" [he said "wooden" but it's some kinf of awkward in German]
Petra: :
Yeah, she was just a heroine, just a simple figure, who "reacted" to the players commands. And with the new "Tomb Raider" this should change. So I think it's the right step to keep the series alive, to keep the character alive, because the old Lara doesn't have "right to exist" in the new Generation of games. Think of Mr. Marston (?) from "Red Dead Redemption", or even "Max Payne", who showed a lot earlier that there also can be "torn" heroes, that protagonists can be real characters.
And uhhm, the second reason why TR got grown up is really the rather high level of brutality. Crystal Dynamics want to make this game a lot more brutal, so we can say...If Lara dies, she REALLY dies [laughs], for example she could fall down a pit followed by getting hit by a rock fragment, which literally crushes her head, the inhabitants may take her with them and stab a machete right into her chest and so on. We can really say it's gonna be a LOT more savage and bloody and thus "grown up".
He: Alright, now the most important question: When will the game be done?
Petra: Late 201/early 2012, I think "early 2012" is more likely, so that's my prediction. If game developers say it will be released "around", they say that to have some kind of scope [not sure if that's right word] and most of the time they release it at the end of this scope then...
He: So I'd say we can really look forward to it!
Petra:I'm very curious in what way this new direction will work, as crystal Dynamics say that they won't Lara to be a sexsymbol anymore, but it's done a bit inconsequential: Lara still wears her tanktop, still has huge boobs and incredibly sensual lips...and those eyes!!! But on the other hand: noone wants to play with an ugly Lara, I think, that's just not possible.
He: This reminds me alittle bit of "Die Hard" *laughs*
Alright thanks for your impressions, now lets come to our contest. But first the result of last week: [It's not about TR anymore but about TRON]
But this time of course it's about Lara Croft: In both the film and in the games Lara has a butler, and I just loooved to let him follow me in TR2 and lock him in the freezer. [they are talking about him now and his weird noises ^^]
So we want to know: Whats his name?
[In the last 30 seconds they are showing the prizes for this contest, TRU and a survival-thermos-jug